Friday, July 10, 2009

Insomnia, Laundry, and Krispy Kreme

Another grey's not as rainy as yesterday; in fact, if one was to only look out the window and not know the season, one would swear that it was a gloomy winter day. I couldn't sleep last night; I go through phases from sleeping 13+ hours to not being able to sleep at all. Internittently, though, I generally sleep for about 6 hours before naturally waking up. During the insomnia times I try to find quiet activities to occupy my time (as my husband is normally asleeep like most people at those hours). This morning (6:30am) I took my husband's workclothes to the laundromat. I figured that the best way to be quiet and get a chore done was to leave the house (genius, I know!). This laundry experience was one of the better I've had. First, I was completely alone; second, the machines that I used, including the change machine and Oxy-Clean dispenser, all worked; lastly, and the best suprise, there were no panhandlers with sad stories about needing a bus ride were there to try and con me out of my quarters. Why do people beg at a laundromat anyway? If I had extra $, don't you think I'd own a washer and dryer?
After laundry, I went to Krispy Kreme for only the 3rd time in the 11 years I've lived in Florida (if that says anything about how much I like their product). I went inside because the drive-thru line was crazy,plus, I prefer face-to-face contact when ordering food (I've worked in the industry, I know what happens behind the scenes). I ordered 6 do-nuts, an iced vanilla latte, and a toasted 'everything' bagel with cream cheese. The coffee and do-nuts met the mediocre expectation I had for them; the bagel, on the other hand, was absolutely aweful! They must pre-toast a bunch of them in preparation for the busy morning and then attempt to nuke them for a second to give the illusion of 'hot from the toaster'. This attempt failed miserably and I was quite disappointed because I was truly looking forward to enjoying that bagel; I falsely assumed that even though the do-nuts are sub-par, toasted bagels can't be botched. I hate to complain about food; i figure, if that's the way they serve it then the majority of customers must not be as picky as I am and they don't mind - so, never wanting to be "that person", I choose to rant on my blog!

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